magento newsletter queue not sending

By default cron is disable .so you need to enable the cron file on your cpanel server. and than you are be able to send the newsletter email in magento . below is the step which tell you how to add cron and solve magento newsletter queue not sending problem.

Step1:- set the cron file on cpanel server.

set this command on your cron file.
php5-cli -f /home/USERNAME/public_html/cron.php

and set the cron time.

Step2:- Change the file in 2 place  By default magento send newsletter subcription mail to 20



see this $countOfSubscritions or LINE no. 173 change your reciepient here.
 $countOfSubscritions = 4000; // i set here 4000 reciepient

if you want cron proceed more than 3 quee than change here
$countOfQueue  = 5;
 // i set here 5 Quee proceed

Step3:- see this $countOfSubscritions or LINE no. 62 change your reciepient here.

 $countOfSubscritions = 4000; // i set here 4000 reciepient

and wait for cron execution our newsletter.

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